Einstellung ausländischer Führungskräfte nach dem Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz - Update

Für die Einstellung von ausländischen Führungskräften aus Drittstaaten, wie zum Beispiel Geschäftsführerinnen oder leitender Angestellter aus Nicht-EU-Staaten, ist ein Aufenthaltstitel erforderlich (§ 4a AufenthG). Darüber, welcher Aufenthaltstitel für Führungskräfte zu beantragen ist, haben wir bereits 2019 hier im Blog berichtet. Seitdem ist am 01.03.2020 das Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz in Kraft getreten und am 01.04.2020 weitere Änderungen der Beschäftigungsverordnung. Die nachfolgenden Informationen sollen daher einen Überblick über die…

Employment status: the European Court clarifies who counts as a worker under EU law in gig economy ruling

The European Court of Justice has ruled that it’s up to national courts to make decisions about employment status, but that a courier working for Yodel in the UK appeared to them to have been correctly classified as self-employed, given the latitude he had over accepting jobs, working for competitors, providing substitutes and deciding his work schedule. The crucial factors were independence and subordination. Background…

The Netherlands: Dos and don’ts when working from home during COVID-19

As a result of government measures concerning the coronavirus, the majority of Dutch employees are working from home. In principle, the existing rules on working from home also apply during the COVID-19 crisis. Due to the exceptional circumstances that are currently forcing unprecedented numbers of employees to work from home, employers in the Netherlands should be aware of several important work-from-home rules.  Furnishing the workplace…

Effects of short work allowance (“Kurzarbeitergeld”) on the residence status of foreign employees

Employers who employ third-country nationals (i.e. employees who are not German citizens or nationals of EU or EEA member states or Switzerland) and who apply for short work allowance (“Kurzarbeitergeld”) in the course of the corona crisis are confronted with the consideration whether applying for short work allowance may have a negative impact on the residence status of these employees. The Federal Ministry of the…

Auswirkungen des Kurzarbeitergelds auf den Aufenthaltsstatus ausländischer Arbeitnehmer

Arbeitgeber, die drittstaatsangehörige Arbeitnehmer (d.h. Arbeitnehmer, die nicht deutsche Staatsbürger oder Staatsangehörige von EU- bzw. EWR-Mitgliedstaaten oder der Schweiz sind) beschäftigen und im Zuge der Coronakrise Kurzarbeitergeld beantragen, sehen sich mit der Frage konfrontiert, ob die Beantragung von Kurzarbeitergeld negative Auswirkungen auf den Aufenthaltsstatus dieser Mitarbeiter haben kann. Das Bundesministerium des Inneren hat hierzu in einem Rundschreiben an die für das Aufenthaltsrecht zuständigen Ministerien und…

Italy introduces new health, safety and economic support measures to manage the coronavirus epidemic

Italy has put in place a range of new measures to contain the COVID-19 virus and provide economic support.  A Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (DPCM) approved on 22 March 2020 saw the Italian government introduce further measures for the containment and management of the COVID-19 health emergency. These measures will apply nationwide. The government’s further intervention became necessary in view of the latest developments in the…

How do the new French containment and proposed emergency measures impact employers?

The French Government announced wide-ranging containment measures for Covid-19 on 16 March 2020. It has also published an Emergency Bill that includes measures to mitigate and manage the impact of the pandemic. This article examines how they affect employers.     On the evening of 16 March 2020, the French Government issued a decree setting out the new containment measures necessary to limit the spread of the covid-19 virus.  For the time being, these containment measures do not limit…

Fallstrick Massenentlassungsanzeige: Kündigungen der Air-Berlin-Piloten unwirksam

Mit Urteil vom 27. Februar 2020 (8 AZR 215/19 u.a.) entschied der Achte Senat des BAG, dass die Kündigungen des Cockpit-Personals von Air Berlin wegen fehlerhafter Massenentlassungsanzeige unwirksam sind. Der Achte Senat folgte damit in seiner Begründung dem Sechsten Senat, der bereits am 13. Februar 2020 (6 AZR 146/19 u.a.) die Kündigungen von acht Piloten für unwirksam erklärt hatte. Die festgestellten Formfehler bei der Massenentlassungsanzeige…

Brexit: what are the consequences for employers?

Following the UK’s departure from the EU on 31 January 2020, this article asks what this means for employers in the transition period and beyond. On 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom left the EU following ratification of the withdrawal agreement. Now begins a transitional period, lasting until 31 December 2020, during which European Union law continues to apply. This period can be extended once…

Skilled Immigration Act from 1st March 2020: Changes for Employers

On 1st March 2020, the Skilled Immigration Act will come into force in Germany. It will primarily amend the Residence Act (AufenthG) and therefore change the rules applicable to employers regarding the employment of third-country nationals. The Skilled Immigration Act intends to simplify and speed up the employment of skilled workers from outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland with a university degree or vocational training….